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Window functions to the rescue

PostgreSQL comes with a variety of functions that allow you to group rows into a “window” and perform calculations on that window. By using these functions, you can create more advanced and efficient queries for analyzing your database.

In early 2023, I contributed to a project that converts data models to PostgreSQL, called db_migrator. On this occasion, I (re)discovered the power of these window functions with the SQL language. In this article, I revisit a specific case of transforming the upper bounds of a partitioned table into an array of boundaries.

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Substituting a variable in a SQL script

In a world where we constantly seek to automate repetitive tasks, it is common to write down a query in a script, make it more convenient, and eventually integrate the whole thing into a project’s codebase. Tools like SQL*Plus and psql can be powerful allies in this game, as relevant as Bash or Python interpreters.

In several projects I have been involved in, I have come across a large number of those kinds of scripts. Some of them have the particularity of offering input parameters, processed by SQL*Plus with the very comfortable mechanism named variable substitution. In this article, I share some tips to convert them to an equivalent syntax that PostgreSQL’s psql tool can parse and manage.

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Hierarchical data types

The SQL standard defines a set of rules so that database systems can be interchangeable, but there are small singularities in the wild. In this regard, the hierarchyid data type provided by SQL Server is a striking example. If you are switching to PostgreSQL, two solutions are available to you.

A first and simpler solution consists in linking each node to its parent using a new parentid column and applying a foreign key constraint. Another, more complete approach consists in using the ltree extension. This article deals with the latter case.

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How to keep a community alive

The PG Day France took place on June 11th and 12th in Lille, my hometown. It is the event of the French PostgreSQL community that settles in a different city each year. The opportunity was too good for me and I met many people from all over France and its surroundings, to discuss PostgreSQL during two days of workshops and conferences.

For this edition, I had the pleasure of speaking and sharing my experience on the animation of the local Meetup group that I took over four years ago. In this article, I want to write down the main points discussed during this presentation, while waiting for the video of the conference to be posted online.

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An assistant to copy data from a remote server

During the last PGSession organized by Dalibo, I wrote and led a workshop (french) on the migration to PostgreSQL using Foreign Data Wrappers, or FDW. This was an opportunity to present to the general public the db_migrator extension for which I wrote an article on this blog.

While working on this workshop, we noticed that copying data with the db_migrator extension is not perfectly supported. Indeed, although there is a low-level function to distribute the transfer table by table over several processes, many situations will require writing a large number of SQL queries to get out of trouble. Over the following months, I worked on the design of an assistant written in PL/pgSQL whose purpose is to simplify the generation of these queries.

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