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On the road to freedom with db_migrator

Cet article est disponible en Français : En route vers la liberté avec db_migrator (2023-07-28)

Over the past months, I have spent several weeks contributing to the db_migrator extension. Written solely in PL/pgSQL, it enables the migration of schemas and data from a database system to PostgreSQL using the external data I had presented few years ago.

In this post, I present the functionality of the tool, its philosophy, and the reason I found for its existence, even though it joins the ecosystem of well-established open-source projects in the migration landscape. How does it compare to Ora2Pg or pgloader in terms of value and capabilities?

db_migrator enters the arena

My interest in this project dates back to last December when a colleague from Dalibo left us a similar tool, which allowed copying data from Oracle or Sybase instances using Foreign Data Wrappers (FDW) technology. Although this tool remained in alpha, many good ideas were experimented with internally.

The promise of FDWs lies in adhering to the SQL/MED standard, allowing a PostgreSQL instance to interface with another storage system and manipulate its data through external tables using simple SQL queries. Therefore, provided that a community has developed the wrapper, it becomes possible to query a remote catalog, replicate the structure of tables, their relationships, and constraints, and retrieve data into PostgreSQL.

And db_migrator enters the arena.

Made public in November 2019 by Laurenz Albe, well-known for his active contributions to PostgreSQL for decades and also for developing oracle_fdw, the extension presents itself as a generic tool where one must use plugins for FDW support. It is easy to create new plugins, as I discovered with the mysql_migrator plugin, written in just a few days, thanks to the comprehensive documentation of the API for plugins.

After installing the extensions with make install and the appropriate FDW for the system, it is necessary to create the objects in the database that will hold the future schemas and their data.


   OPTIONS (host 'mysql_db', fetch_size '1000');
   OPTIONS (username 'root', password 'password');

The migration process can be performed in a single command for the simplest cases (no stored procedures or exotic column types) using the db_migrate() method. Otherwise, for more complex scenarios requiring adjustments such as changing column types or removing a table in the target schema, the migration may involve multiple steps.

During the development of the mysql_migration extension, I started with the sample database Sakila provided by MySQL to have comprehensive complexity. The first step involves creating two internal schemas, one with external tables provided by the plugin and the other with catalog tables that can be edited before the extension continues the migration.

SELECT db_migrate_prepare(
   plugin => 'mysql_migrator',
   server => 'mysql',
   only_schemas => '{sakila}'

This part can be relatively lengthy, as it involves retrieving the data model, which I refer to as the catalog, in the form of several tables that describe the structure of tables, column names, and associated constraints. The extension also imports the sources of all stored procedures, functions, and views but does not perform their conversion to PL/pgSQL (you cannot imagine the amount of work involved).

For the migration of the Sakila database, several modifications to the catalog are necessary. Like the rest of this extension, all the preparation is done in SQL, making it easy to automate with a single script serving as configuration.

/* exclude bytea columns from migration */
DELETE FROM pgsql_stage.columns WHERE type_name = 'bytea';

/* quote character expression */
UPDATE pgsql_stage.columns
   SET default_value = quote_literal(default_value)
   WHERE NOT regexp_like(default_value, '^\-?[0-9]+$')
   AND default_value <> 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP';

/* disable view migration */
UPDATE pgsql_stage.views SET migrate = false;

Of course, we could go further, such as reinjecting the definition of rewritten views into the pgsql_stage.views table or enabling the migration of procedures by changing the migrate column of the pgsql_stage.functions table. However, let’s proceed with the next step.

SELECT db_migrate_mkforeign(
   plugin => 'mysql_migrator',
   server => 'mysql'

SELECT db_migrate_tables(
   plugin => 'mysql_migrator'

The first method, db_migrate_mkforeign(), is responsible for creating schemas and sequences, followed by foreign tables with columns based on the previous adjustments. Next comes the most crucial step, where we execute the function db_migrate_tables(): blank tables are created with their partitions if necessary, and for each of them, the data copying begins using the INSERT INTO SELECT * statement.

Other objects, such as indexes or constraints, have their own methods. It is necessary to create the functions before these objects if you encounter functional indexes or other similar cases.

SELECT db_migrate_functions(plugin => 'mysql_migrator');
SELECT db_migrate_triggers(plugin => 'mysql_migrator');
SELECT db_migrate_views(plugin => 'mysql_migrator');
SELECT db_migrate_indexes(plugin => 'mysql_migrator');
SELECT db_migrate_constraints(plugin => 'mysql_migrator');
It is possible that this mechanism may change in the future, especially if I manage to realize this issue, which would allow breaking down the db_migrate_*() methods into smaller steps.

The end of the migration process involves deleting the temporary schemas that contained the catalog tables.

SELECT db_migrate_finish();

One more migration tool

As I mentioned in the introduction, it is quite surprising to see a new migration tool emerge in 2023 (the version 1.0.0 was released in January with my patch on partitioning). In the open-source landscape, we can mention Ora2Pg, which released its version 24.0 in July with SQL Server support, and pgloader, which has an excellent reputation.

A vast number of projects are listed on the community wiki. Some are specialized for a single system, while others support migration for multiple systems. The majority of these projects are either proprietary or lack recent contributions. Many of them are black boxes, and their documentation may appear cryptic or almost non-existent.

The ecosystem is rich, and I do not claim to know all of its aspects, but I have had an intuition that I have been forming over the past few years. The global economy is in a state of turmoil. Some companies are doing well, while others are making budget cuts. The transition to a free and non-commercially licensed system like PostgreSQL remains relevant, perhaps even more urgent today compared to the past decade.

And yet, with my DBA perspective, I am not fully satisfied with the existing tools. I wish for a new alternative, something universal and accessible to everyone. If I turn to db_migrator today, it would be for the following main advantages:

  • A low-level implementation close to the instance: using PL/pgSQL as the exclusive language. This would not have been possible without the prolific development of Foreign Data Wrappers for a wide range of systems;

  • A high level of configuration flexibility: adjustments are made with UPDATE or DELETE queries on the catalog. Once one is familiar with the model of the catalog, it becomes easy to change behavior without consulting technical documentation on the available options;

  • Freedom in orchestration: currently, executions are triggered sequentially for indexes and constraints, but the tool’s architecture could allow external tools to consume the extension’s results and trigger operations in parallel;

  • Plugins have the freedom to enrich migration: if an operation is not generic, it is entirely possible to provide an additional method through the plugin. For example, the incremental copy (and its replication functions) in the ora_migrator plugin or the conversion of auto-increments to identity columns with the mysql_migrator plugin.

The road to freedom still seems long to achieve half of what Ora2Pg already offers, especially when it comes to automatic conversion, which is not on the agenda at all. But with small, regular, and thoughtful advancements, who knows?